Exercises Suggested by a Physiotherapist for Lower Back Pain

It is crucial to carefully follow the physical therapy program your physiotherapist suggests for lower back pain. You should never attempt some exercises unless you have been diagnosed with a pinched nerve. During physical therapy, you should only perform exercises that you feel comfortable doing, and you should not force yourself to do stretches that cause pain. If you experience pain while stretching, you should stop and consult a physiotherapist or chiropractor. You should do all stretches and exercises slowly and carefully. Be careful not to jerk or bounce when doing stretches and exercises, as this could cause more injury to the affected area. You should do only what is comfortable and never push yourself past your comfort level. This way, you will reap the benefits of physical therapy. Today, you can also hire a physiotherapy home service in Dubai for these treatments


If you’re suffering from back pain, stretching exercises can be very helpful. However, you need to be careful to avoid causing additional injury. You should not try to stretch your back when you already have a herniated disc. Your physical therapist will be able to determine the safest stretching parameters for you. You can also consult with your doctor for advice.


Your physiotherapist may suggest certain strengthening exercises that you can try at home. While these exercises are generally recommended, they are not always suitable for everyone. It’s best to consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Listed below are some exercises that may be helpful to you. Firstly, you should be able to feel some stretch in the muscles, but not much. Then, you should stop when you feel a small stretch. This should take about 20-30 seconds.

Stabilization exercises:

If you’re looking for physiotherapy treatment for non-specific lower back pain, you should ask a physiotherapist about stabilization exercises. These exercises are a form of exercise that retrains key muscle groups and improves movement. They involve both the muscles and the brain, improving mental and physical states. A systematic review of the benefits of stabilization exercises for back pain found that they’re just as effective as other types of exercise. However, this does not mean that these exercises work equally well for everyone.

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